the reynolds club. friday. july 26, 2024. 9pm.

In support of the Aubade literary journal we dropped the rock on Hutch commons on the U of C campus. We followed Dan Margalit whose acoustic cover of Eye of the Tiger was glorious. The show was extra special because it included free Pizza and Dr. Pepper. It was extra dangerous because every time someone touched the microphone they got shocked. bzzt! Quote Nilay: "It's like doing six hundred sit-ups!" We welcomed John Williams on bass for the first time and debued "The Sun is Falling" in front of a really supportive crowd. After we were done the 68s, Annie Wipplinger, and Lydia Zacher rounded out a heck of a Hyde Park rock show. Our apologies to the improv current events rapper for being too loud. Thanks to Darcy Lewis for setting everthing up... If you are a U of C writer/poet send stuff to Aubade!


by the way
over you
permanent marker
too close to the two of you
keep your hands away
the sun is falling ** first time played. dedicated to the greatest roommate ever, dave.