the elbo room. friday. july 26, 2024. 10pm.

Our first show of the new year, made extra special by the first appearance of Chris's new Honey Amber drumset. Special thanks to Mike, the sound man from the elbo room, for making this one of the best sounding shows yet, and thanks to the residents of 1619 Ridge F1 for bringing out friends and making the whole thing a truly "organic" experience. We played with Sober Dozy, a really great band, but stylistically about as different as you could imagine. A highlight was when they were sound-checking their roaring hard rock guitars and we were stage side with Travis was teaching us how to moonwalk. Thanks to all who came out from Hyde Park, Africa, and Sweden(!)


poker face
half written
does it get you? ** robert announced this as "the song that will rock your balls off (if we play it right) and if you have balls"
by the way
my room is dark ** robert solo, with "extra loud" sampler effects
too close to the two of you ** joe alonso told the following joke: if you saw two guys named hambone and flippy, which one would you think liked dolphins the most? i'd say flippy, wouldn't you? you'd be wrong though. it's hambone.
permanent marker ** sam told the carrot joke
smile like asterix