the bottom lounge. friday. february 07, 2025. 9pm.

you know how in horror movies when a teenage girl hears a bump in the night and then she has to get out of bed in her underwears to go and see what the noise was? and everybody in the theater except that girl knows that she is a goner, but still she presses on, opening doors and descending haunted basement stairs armed with only a butcher knife that will do no good attempting to kill that which is undead! anyway, i always used to wonder what went through their minds in those situations, but now, having played at the accursed bottom lounge three cursed times I know. if ignorance is bliss, hope is straight up intoxicating. thus, the four of us careened off of the road of rockin' it right onto the bottom lounge's carnival of doom. in all honesty, though we broke an unprecedented 3 strings and a strap lock, the show, which was a benefit for the Elizabeth Glasier Pediatric aids foundation put on by local chapters of the american medical students association, wasn't that bad. as a matter of fact, considering it raised 2,500 to promote research and treatment, I'd say it was a huge success. heck, when robert broke his guitar and just took control of the mic, it was downright ultrareal. in addition, we played with the amazing health and beauty not to mention canasta, velvetron, and my uh, rap group: zinc finger and the major groove. t-shirts were made for the event and free condoms were distributed. the show started late because there was a slackers show before it which was beyond sold out, and featured real live barroom brawling. bolstered by a lost hour due to daylight savings, the show ended past 4a.m. luckily, that clark's across the street was open 24 hours.