the house. saturday. july 27, 2024. 11pm.

to celebrate working, we all take a day off in september. to celebrate not working, we tripped down to dekalb again to labor on some hard rock. this trip was made extra special by the fact that we got to play with our friends where's jimmy k at. my girlfried anne and i were in michigan with her family for the weekend and drove a state and half in a hurry pounding down some greasy popeye's chicken on the way. needless to say, by the time we got there my gi track was in shambles, but no matter! the men and woman of jimmy made me feel better almost immediately with nonstop mega rock, centaurs, an onlstage battleship game, and a totally stamos new song. the house is the kind of ma and pop hippie (as in the lady who runs it is named "ma") run vegan-loving coffee shop and performance space that would be around every corner in a perfect world but as it stands can only be reached by braving awful rush hour traffic and cornfields. once again, no matter! the crowd was outstanding that night most notable because it included our great friends who made the trip with us including mary, and our boy conor's sister adelade. the set was the first time that we played the new song "truth in advertising" but did not feature our cover of the where's jimmy k at hit "nates song" because we decided that we suck at it. after our set the truly phenomenal boys from troubled hubble took the stage and rocked the shredded bits of clothing that were left on people right off. everything that people say about that band (at least all the good stuff) is even truer than that person saying it thinks it is.. do you get my drift here? those guys go right past the face and deliver the rock to the brain. the show was not without disaster. but as has been the somewhat bizarre case as of late, we have been passing our bad instrument karma onto others. at this show troubled hubble broke a keyboard and had their homemade light show literally crash to ground. in addition, where's jimmy k at killed a turtle. biatch.

I guess that's the price we payed, for working on labor day. oh and by the way, the show was written up in a local paper