gunther murphy's. friday. february 07, 2025. 9pm.

this show at gunther murphy's was my last before my life as a rock and or roller collided with my life as a med student and or doctor. needless to say we did what we could to keep my ears ringing well through the first set of exams. speaking of education, the sound person that ran the show (and ran it quite well might I add) was the very same woman who was being trained by the gunther sound cowboy, gary, the last time we were there. while she didn't have that same, uh, moustache, it was great. in other news, gunther's seems to be the venue where we wind up playing new music. last time it was the first big showing of the theme from the rocktapotamus theme, and this time it was ace aviatrix. another point to add to the timeline is that this show was also the first time that our man cartier cutsinger, who would soon record our rock music with samurai-like skills, saw us play. [ed: actually, cartier came to our first show at gunther murphy's, three months prior.] sadly, this show was logic of Elliott-less and a bitter reminder of the way things used to be. but as travis would find out only days later while dining in an establishment up north where steph works. the girls have moved back into town and are a-gittin the band back together! god willing, we will team up again soon.