the funhouse. wednesday. january 22, 2025. 10pm.
from one ancient world destination to another we drove from ithaca to bethlehem to play a show an old comedy club turned rock club called the funhouse with philly band called the teeth. i really can't say enough good stuff about the teeth either, they have this really nutty like talking heads meet grateful dead (headheadz?) thing going on that just fuckin' rules. if you go to their website, listen to the song "peter goes to 43rd street." yes. on top of that they were cool guys. anyway, we played first in what can only be called the smallest venue ever... it's not that the funhouse is a tiny bar either... its just that the only place for the stage is in this hallway between the bar and the back room... so there is essentially like six feet between the PA system and the back wall with most people watching from the sides... odd. we had some serious help from another peaks island resident, bill moriarty, a bandmate from robert's first band who now works as a recording engineer in philly and plays in several bands including friends of the library, which is also an excellent band and i dare say a far cry from the grunge band called godsplinter he played in with robert in high school. we spent a lot of time during this leg of the trip playing this crazy hegelian word game that mk and nick of the planck length taught me. ask us about it sometime. it rules. before the show we spent a little time in philly walking down south street and eating at this great restaurant called gianni's where we all had cheesestakes (some vegan and others "real," though since they were covered in cheese whiz i must use the term lightly) since we had to play in cincinnati the next day we were really only in philly for about 13 hours so there's not a whole lot else to say... wait, we played this johnny neumonic pinball game that sucked... o.k., i said it all. thanks to the teeth and bill and everyone at the funhouse. little did we know when we left philly that morning that the funhouse known as neckface was just about to open it's doors...