lstc. thursday. october 10, 2024. 5pm.

robert's brother matt, a student at the lutheran school of theology chicago (lstc) here in hyde park, was in charge of setting up a spring picnic for students and faculty. because matt is a rad guy, he asked both our band and first coat to play some music for all the lutherans(meaning that our apartment was totally devoid of people and instruments...) since the rest of their band's punk alter-egos had another show elsewhere that night, becky and conor from first coat played by themselves and presented stripped down versions of very old and very new first coat material including a rare performance of the song butterfly which should make all of you green with envy. as becky and conor concluded their set the sun dipped behind the buildings surrounding the lstc courtyard and it got pretty cold, so matt decided to move our set indoors. happy to be warm, and playing through newly purchased amplifiers we lit into our set hammering away like four martin luther's pounding our combined 380 theses into the door of the wittenberg church. perhaps somewhat ironically, all the noise was pretty disruptive to the seminary class going on just a few feet away. it was like we were hit with a tranquilizer dart, within seconds, those in attendance were being treated to the slowest softest and most relaxed set we've ever played, our glazed eyes lazily drooping, and tiny streams of drool running freely from our swolen lips. highlights of the set included the debut of our newest song "the rocktapotamus farewell" and, for the first time in a while, peaks island, which we dedicated to both matt, and robert's sister andrea. we were also happy to have our friends lydia and fede in the audience who had just come to chicago from mexico by bus and had been on the road for 48 hours! all just to see us! i'm kidding. special thanks are in order to matt and everyone at lstc who were not only extremely nice for having us, but generously donated money to pay us! we also want to thank conor and becky who so wonderfully donated their half of the money to the "pay for the new amps and replace the stolen ones" (pftnaartso) fund. we here at pftnaartso can't thank you enough.

the sun is falling
broken typewriter
the rocktopotamus farewell
perfect radio faces
k.o. star
peaks island


the sun is falling
broken typewriter
the rocktopotamus farewell
perfect radio faces
k.o. star
peaks island