daley plaza. saturday. july 27, 2024. 2pm.

what do we want? healthcare! when do we want it? now! we were invited by the northwestern university association of medical students to perform as part of a rally supporting a nationalized healthcare system. medical students from wisconsin, and illinois gathered on the corner of clark and randolph right by the daley center and that big crazy white sculpture, to shout, wave signs, and in between speakers, to get rocked by us. opening acts included a group of med student jugglers called "the jugulars" (!) and a med school acapella group called "the hamstrings" (?). we played this show as a powerful trio with travis and robert taking turns on the big four stringer. before the set, a woman who sold us falafel in the basement of the daley center's "office of the building" wished us good luck with such sincerity that we just knew it was going to be a great show. thanks to joel for being a roadie, thanks to alan "iron chef pizza" chang for "operating" the sound board and a special thanks to dev for setting the whole thing up and teaching us all to shout: hell no hmo!