hutch courtyard. saturday. july 27, 2024. 11pm.

not really in a livingroom at all, loren jan wilson's extravaganza saw 17 (!) h.p. bands play over the course of two nights. we played last after sets by (are you ready for this...) eternal zwieback, the planck length, the sixty-eights, vulture, the rakshasas, drexel, and the better boyfriends (my ears ring just thinking about it). we were worried that the by the time we took the outdoor stage at hutch, the cold weather and hot homework would have drawn everyone away, but to our pleasant surprise there were a ton of people there - people ready to rock! for the first time ever people crowd surfed at an mmhg show and it wasn’t cheesy either - it was amazing. hyde parkers danced like never before! when our 20 minute planned set ended the rowdy bunch demanded more songs to "pogo" to, and we were glad to provide. this day really proved again how many great bands and people there are operating out of hyde park right now. thanks to loren, of course for all the prep work, thanks to aniel and everybody who ran the board the whole night. thanks to the better boyfriends for offending our girlfriends so much they left so we all had to sleep alone. thanks to representatives from the university of fern gully for taking that paranoid edge off. and thanks to everyone who purchased "so inclined" on the day of its release...