whpk. saturday. december 07, 2024. 10pm.
listen for yourself to snippets of our first on-air venture. thanks to everyone at pure hype for the funny yellow milk, the t-shirts, the engineering and the... uhhh... extra air time.
does it get you?
half written. chris interviewed john about his shoe-less-ness. you have to hear this.
over you
permanent marker
we'll be there first time played
keep your hands away
(acoustical silverware set)
don't drive away
little death shameless plugging of the may 3rd hyde park music show at the beat kitchen featuring the abandoned silos, starlister, kleenex girl wonder, leon chance and the long shots, ether frolics, and christine back... hey that sounds fun, maybe you should go to that too!
too close to the two of you a discussion of "milk" followed by a dedication to minou, anne's cat, who lived with us while she was away all week. a truly unruly beast.
smile like asterix
a year ago