the elbo room. saturday. december 07, 2024. 10pm.
back in america, and ready to rock, the anticipation of our first show in almost 2 months had us all bouncing off of the walls. after a quick dinner at musgee's, and a great set by troy, the waiting was over... thanks to everybody who came out, with special props to nilay who muscled his way through the last half of an 8 page paper in under an hour to get to the show. he probably didn't even spell check the bitch! folks, it just doesn't get any more punk than that. mysteriously, john played barefoot on the e.r.'s filthy stage, an act that ruffled the feathers of some audience members: "what's the deal with the new mmhg bassist? does he have a few screws loose up top? what's up with playing barefoot," jeff rufo would later exclaim. he may even now, still be scratching his head and pushing his horn rimmed glasses up on his nose and wondering. the evening ended sharing an interview and some pizza bagels with derek "the enemy," ming wong, a local journalist and all around good conversationalist/snappy dresser. look out for the potentially humiliating results of that experience in the reviews section sometime soon. thanks to the elbo room for having us back , m.v.p. for having us open, and our parents for having us.
keep your hands away -->
the sun is falling
too close to you
over you travis said "monica ______ is soooo hooooot!"
a year ago first time played... a "cover" of sorts from travis' solo project due out soon
by the way
does it get you (had to be cut from the set as we learned that"too much talkin, no time for rockin" lesson learned the hard way)
don't drive away