martyrs'. friday. july 26, 2024. 9pm.

Like that guy from A-Team used to say, "I love it when a plan comes together." Outside of the ten horrific minutes we spent watching the Glutton Bowl on the bar T.V before sound check everything about the Martyr's show was all we could ask for and then some. We opened for Jenny Choi and the Third Shift, a great band that just got back from a national tour whom we admire because they have a toaster with their logo on it and an awesome website. First and foremost: a huge thank you to everyone who came out, the place was full of friendly faces old and new. More specifically: mad props to Anne who lost a filling while chewing gum that afternoon, had an emergency root canal at 6:00pm, but still made the show! Thanks to Travis' friend Monica (the same one from the Prodigal Son show) and her roommates who had us over to their nearby apartment for an amazing and vegetarian friendly dinner in between sound-check and go time and then were cool enough to all come check us out. Thanks also to Bruce for booking us and Mike for running sound so splendidly. Finally, the biggest thanks of all go to Travis' parents who flew in from Kansas City for an overnight stay just so they could see their baby boy be a rock monster.


smile like asterix
keep your hands away
too close to you
permanent marker
by the way
[you call that a] pokerface?
half written
the sun is falling